Místo práce: Rakousko, Wiener Umland/Nordteil
Typ pracovní smlouvy: na dobu určitou, částečný úvazek

Požadované vzdělání: Vyššie vzdelanie, vrátane vysokoškolského
Nabízený plat: Neuvedeno
Počet míst: 1

pracovní oblast

Odborní pedagogičtí pracovníci
   Vysoké školy
        Vysoké školy


The Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt invites applications for the following position pursuant to Sec. 107 para. 1 of the Austrian Universities Act 2002: 1 Postdoc Assistant (m/f) in Science and Technology Studies (STS),(Location Vienna)Code 403/15 at the Institute of Science Communication and Higher Education Research, Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, location Vienna. This full time post will be limited to six years, salary € 3,546 gross (14 times a year) according to Uni-KV B1 lit. b. The start of employment is scheduled for October 1, 2015. We are looking for a creative and team-minded person who, together with the head of Institute, will take on the task of building up a vibrant STS team, engaging in new topics and subject areas, in an institutional environment peopled by social scientists, historians, and philosophers. Duties and Responsibilities - Research and teaching in topical areas of Science and Technology Studies (STS), e.g. scientific cultures and organizations, digital practice and culture, quality and valuation, epistemic objects and representation, data and infrastructures, expertise and democracy - Acquisition, coordination, and conduct of research projects (national and international) - Publication and lecturing activities (national and international) - Administrative and organizational duties - Advancing the national and international profile of the Institute Required Qualifications - PhD degree with excellent doctoral thesis in, or closely associated with, STS (e.g. in sociology, political science or the natural sciences, if the thesis and scholarly work are clearly STS) - Sound knowledge of social science theories and methods, particularly in STS - Pertinent scientific publications - Experience in the acquisition of research projects - Experience in academic teaching - Competencies in interdisciplinary research - Excellent knowledge of English Preferred Qualifications - High quality publications - Active involvement in the international scientific community - International research and/or study visits - Team, organization, and communication skills - Experience in transdisciplinary research - Knowledge of German is no formal requirement but German language skills should be acquired during the first two years This position is offered without the option of entering into a training agreement (non-tenure track). The University is seeking to increase the proportion of female academic staff, especially in management positions, and therefore specifically invites women to apply. Among equally qualified applicants, women will receive preferential consideration. People with disabilities or chronic diseases meeting the specified qualification criteria are explicitly invited to apply. Please submit your application with the relevant documents (letter of motivation, CV, list of publications, PhD-thesis, one published article) to the Alpen-Adria-Universitaet Klagenfurt, Stabsstelle Dekanatekanzlei/Recruiting, code 403/15 by way of the online application form: http://www.aau.at/obf. Use of the online application form is mandatory. In addition, applicants are asked to transmit their application documents in electronic form also directly to Prof. Dr. Martina Merz (martina.merz@aau.at). Deadline for applications: July 22, 2015. Candidates are not eligible for a refund of travel costs related to the recruiting process. For more information, please contact Martina Merz, professor of Science Studies and head of Institute, at martina.merz@aau.at. Das Mindestentgelt für die Stelle als Postdoc Assistant (m/f) in Science and Technology Studies (STS),(Location Vienna)Code 403/15 beträgt 3.546,00 EUR brutto pro Monat auf Basis Vollzeitbeschäftigung.

Pracovní doba:

  • Bez zadání pracovní doby


source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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