Místo práce: Švýcarsko, Aargau
Typ pracovní smlouvy: na dobu neurčitou, plný úvazek

Požadované vzdělání: Vyšší vzdělání, včetně vysokoškolského
Nabízený plat: Neuvedeno
Počet míst: 1

pracovní oblast

Vedoucí a řídící pracovníci velkých organizací


Job main responsibilities: -Lead and manage M&A projects from origination to closing -Ownership of the Transaction Valuation Model and provide requested financial analyses and Scenarios -Develop project business plan in close cooperation with affiliates and responsible business functional teams -Manage the execution of the transaction - including organizing due diligence, coordinating external advisors and supporting negotiations with counterparties -Responsible for transaction documentation, related contracts and agreements -Communicate and train the Omya community in familiarizing with transaction process, reporting templates and in elements of project execution -Engage with the affiliate team for necessary post acquisition audit Candidate profile requirements: -Degree in Business Administration (or another numerate field) -Up to 8 years of work experience on M&A and Corporate Development projects (including Greenfields and JV''s) -Strong analytical skills and conceptual thinking to model development opportunities -Expert knowledge of financial analysis and valuation (solid MS-Excel and Scenario building skills) -Strong presentation and influencing capabilities -High self-motivation and ability to work independently -Flexible and team-oriented personality -Fluent in English both spoken and written; any other language is a plus Location: Oftringen / Switzerland

Pracovní doba:

  • Bez zadání pracovní doby


source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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