Místo práce: Fínsko, Etelä-Pohjanmaa
Typ pracovní smlouvy: na dobu určitou, plný úvazek

Požadované vzdělání:
Nabízený plat: Neuvedeno
Počet míst: 1

pracovní oblast

Vedoucí a řídící pracovníci velkých organizací
   Vedoucí výrobních a provozních dílčích celků
        Zemědělství, lesnictví, rybářství a myslivost


Position description Wärtsilä Power Plants is looking for an Application Manager, LNG to the Technical Sales & Engineering department. The location of this position is in Vaasa, Finland. Responsibilities In this position your main responsibilities will be offerings related to Maritime and Offshore segment (jetty, piers, mooring systems, submerged pipelines, etc). Your area of expertise will be: - sales support / advisory services for customers and Wärtsilä sales organisation related to offshore maritime activities - develop concepts and solutions for LNG infrastructure sales projects - develop contractor networks and structure a global supply chain of services - responsible for Product Management of offshore related offerings - manage the LNG fleet overview (FSRU, FSU, LNGC, LEGC, LPGC etc) Requirements To succeed in this position you need the following education, skills and experience: - M.Sc or B.Sc in Civil Engineer (with martitime engineering) - Marine civil engineering experience - LNG industry competence - 5 to 10 years work experience from civil/ civil offshore or maritime infrastructure projects - Communication and co-operation skills - Strong understanding of the LNG market and customer needs

Pracovní doba:

  • Bez zadání pracovní doby


source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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