Miejsce pracy: Hiszpania, Burgos
Rodzaj umowy o pracę: Na czas określony, Pełny etat

Wymagane wykształcenie: Nadstavbová odborná technická príprava
Oferowana płaca: 640.00 EUR / miesięcznie
Liczba miejsc: 1


Specjaliści szkolnictwa
   Nauczyciele szkół specjalnych


WELCOME TO THE WORLD , English academy located in Burgos ( Castilla y León) In this very moment looking for qualified staff. english teacher for kids profesor de ingles para niños The kind of profile we are looking for will include: Level 3 diploma in childcare. Experience is not a must but it will be taken into consideration. Keep of working with children and traveling. Native English speaker. (Only native people) What we offer is: A temporary hourly. Contract as an early year’s teacher that include all social benefit. The length of the contract will be of 6 month to be extended if the two parties agree. 12, 5 Euros per hour .In case that monthly wage doesn’t reach the minimum net salary of 640 Euros the school will take care of the accommodation expenses. The possibility of earning some extra money taking part in out of school activities. A member of our staff in charge of welcoming the candidates and taking care of them during their stay. Both a personal (getting to know a different country and culture and a professional experience. WORKING CONDITIONS ARE: The teacher will have groups of a maximum of 6 children each grouped by ages. Classes will last 1 hour o 1.5 hour In the mornings there are three groups of 1,5hour long and in the afternoon four 1hour long groups. 30 hours per week. Learning material provided by us. CONTRACT: a temporally hourly contract. DURATION FROM /to 6 months to be extended if the parties agree HOURS A DAY: 30 per week approximately. SALARY: 12, 5 gross per hour PLACE OF WORK: English teacher in an English language academy for kids. Please sed your CV to e- mail:recruitment@welcometotheworld.es. Once they have selected a number of candidates there will be personal interviuw in London. The School will assume the expenses for the plane ticket to Burgos.

Czas pracy:

  • Bez określenia czasu pracy


source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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