Miesto práce: Švajčiarsko, Neuchâtel
Druh pracovnej zmluvy: na dobu neurčitú, plný úväzok

Požadované vzdelanie: Vyššie vzdelanie, vrátane vysokoškolského
Ponúkaný plat: Neuvedené
Počet miest: 1

pracovná oblasť

Odborní pedagogickí pracovníci
        Inde nezaradení


The Patek Philippe Chair in Micromechanical and Horological Design was established on November 1st, 2012, with the nomination of Professor Simon Henein. Instant-Lab, the name chosen for the new laboratory, is located in Microcity, the EPFL Microtechnology center in Neuchatel, Switzerland. Job description: The project aims at developing surgical tools relying on flexible structure to provide the DOF (Degrees Of Freedom) required for performing complex surgery. This project is an extension of CTI project called Vivoforce (Miniature flexure structures for contact force sensing in pointed surgical tools with emphasis on eye surgery). The CTI project is already running at Instant-Lab from September 2014. The project will allow Instant-Lab to extend its expertise in large range of motion flexible structure based systems. Such development will have a strong impact not only on medical tooling but also on other tooling domains as for example micro assembly. Expertise required: Design and dimensioning of micro mechanical systems in general and flexible structure in particular. Knowledge on FEM (Comsol, Mathlab, Lab-View), CAD Software (Solidworks) and medical device development will be an advantage. Contract details : 1 year to be renew Start date : 01.11.2015 Work location : EPFL Microcity Neuchâtel Switzerland Candidates should send their CV, letter of motivation, reference letters and, if possible, a summary of their previous project to charles.baur@epfl.ch Further information about the laboratory is available at the website: http://instantlab.epfl.ch.

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source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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