Miesto práce: Nemecko, BAYERN
Druh pracovnej zmluvy: na plný úväzok

Požadované vzdelanie: žiadne špecifické
Ponúkaný plat: Neuvedené
Počet miest: 1


PhD student for anatomical and functional investigations of the CNS of zebrafish models for attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Over the last couple of decades the genetic basis for psychiatric diseases including attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been partly uncovered, identifying several candidate genes associated with the disease. However, for the vast majority of the genetic variations it still remains enigmatic how and to which extent they contribute to the diseases. In the current project, we will investigate the mechanistic role of a handful of top candidate genes correlating with ADHD endophenotypes. We will apply gene loss-of-function approaches combined with behavioral phenotyping in zebrafish. Furthermore, any behavioral phenotypes will be correlated to biochemical and structural changes of the brain of juvenile and adult fish using HPLC and advanced light microscopy. Applicants should have received a Master degree (or equivalent) in life sciences within the last six months. Previous training in neurobiology and/or experience with the zebrafish model is advantageous. To apply, please send a detailed CV, letter of motivation, copies of Bachelor/Masters certificate, a transcript of records as well as name and contact details of two reference persons as a single pdf-file to Drepper_C@ukw.de or christina.lillesaar@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de The position is available at once. Würzburg University prefers to balance the number of female and male employees. We therefore kindly ask qualified female candidates to apply. If qualified, handicapped applicants will be favored. Contact persons: Dr. Carsten Drepper - Klinik und Poliklinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie - Universitätsklinikum Würzburg, E-Mail: Drepper_C@ukw.de und Dr. Christina Lillesaar - Biocenter - Universität Würzburg, E-Mail: christina.lillesaar@biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de - Geforderte Anlagen: Please send a detailed CV, letter of motivation, copies of Bachelor/Masters certificate, a transcript of records as well as name and contact details of two reference persons as a single pdf-file.

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source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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