Miesto práce: Španielsko, CANARIAS
Druh pracovnej zmluvy: Na dobu určitú, Plný úväzok

Požadované vzdelanie: Povinná školská dochádzka / Odborné zaškolenie
Ponúkaný plat: 790.00 EUR / mesačne
Počet miest: 20

pracovná oblasť

Obsluhujúci pracovníci v hoteloch, gastronómii a podobne
   Pracovníci ostatných osobných služieb
        Inde nezaradených


The company VOTAL OCIO 7 ISLAS (www.vitalocio7islas.com ) NEEDS TOURIST ENTERTAINERS: The entertainers are needed throughout the year - from January to December, by all the levels and profiles: group leaders, dancers, presentation and other activities for children and adults as well as various sports team leaders. The entertainer team consists of young, talented and energetic people from all across the World. If you are active, dynamic, creative person and have an experience in entertainers, dancers, sport activities or similar areas, if you like to socialize and to take new experiences please do not hesitate and send your CV with photos to us by e-mail. Requirements:  Entertainers or similar work experience (min 1 season),  At least two foreign languages (one of them - English or German), Russian, Scandinavian languages will be appreciated as well,  Possibility to go abroad for min. 2 months. We are happy to meet every new member in our team and look forward to You! We offer invaluable experience, social security, competitive salary and excellent working and accommodation conditions in magnificent islands of South Europe. Entertainer courses For new employees who do not have entertainer´s work experience, our company organizes courses witch take place in one of the Canary Islands and last up to 4 weeks. The course guaranties for you the work position in company. During our training, the company provides for employee accommodation, full board and social guarantees (due to contract signed up between a company and a prospective employee). The employee completed the courses takes the certificate of training and will start the most suitable profile entertainer job. News in facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VitalOcio7islas Interested candidates, please, send the Cvs direct to the employer: rrhh@vitalocio7islas.com

Pracovný čas:

  • Bez zadania pracovného času


source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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