Miesto práce: Španielsko, ESPAÑA
Druh pracovnej zmluvy: Na dobu neurčitú, Plný úväzok

Požadované vzdelanie: žiadne špecifické
Ponúkaný plat: Neuvedené
Počet miest: 5

pracovná oblasť

Účtovníci, právnici, umelci a odborníci spoločenských vied
   Spisovatelia a tvoriví umeleckí pracovníci
        Herci a režiséri filmu, divadla a iných javiskových foriem


Performing artists - Experties in some artistic skill - English is a must + one more European language - Positive and open personality Interviews in Sweden if needed ,if not through Skype or Facetime. Training course in Palma de Mallorca, starting 18 of May for 2 or 3 weeks. (Depending on your position) During course, food and acomodation included. When you have a contract the hotel will help with 2 weeks of acommodation until place is founded. Included in payroll is aprox 105 Euros for accommodation. (Can change depending on the destination) Food is always included and you can have all your meals in the hotel. In staff canteen or in Restaurant, it depeneds on the hotel. Place of work: All over Spain ( Mainland, Canary Island and Balearic Island)

Pracovný čas:

  • Bez zadania pracovného času


source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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