Miesto práce: Španielsko, Barcelona
Druh pracovnej zmluvy: Na dobu určitú, Plný úväzok

Požadované vzdelanie:
Ponúkaný plat: 16,500.00 EUR / ročně
Počet miest: 2

pracovná oblasť

Pomocní odborní pracovníci vo financiách, predaji, administratíve
   Finančná a obchodná oblasť
        Obchodní zástupcovia


Responsibilities Contact Management -Provide first class customer satisfaction at all times and do whatever is necessary to support our customers -Handle incoming customer contacts, log call details onto call tracking systems and perform call follow ups according to procedures. -Perform outbound contacts in response to generated issues and update information onto call tracking system according to procedures. -Ensure correct presentation of the customer’s corporate and brand images in all interactions. You will be representing brands such as Salomon, Wilson and Arc’teryx Knowledge Management -Attend all trainings and certify at Online Academy to prove expertise and understanding of all topics relevant to the service. -Provide pro-active feedback to team leaders regarding new solutions, potential escalations or service issues in order to pro-actively find solutions in cooperation with the company if not within SELLBYTEL guidelines -Enrich and localize the knowledge database from new incoming contacts We require: Soft Skills: -Self motivated -Team player -Active listening skills -Supportive person -Outgoing and open minded WORKING CONDITIONS: We offer: Salary conditions: 1.375€ gross per month + 300€ gross per month (variable). Working hours: Monday to Friday 9-18h (all markets) Work location: Barcelona center – Glories. Free Spanish and Catalan Classes. Career opportunities. Opportunity to join our international team. Relocation Package REFERENCE: EURES.Sports

Pracovný čas:

  • Bez zadania pracovného času


source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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