Miesto práce: Veľká Británia, NORTHERN IRELAND
Druh pracovnej zmluvy: na dobu určitú, čiastočný úväzok

Požadované vzdelanie: Bus Driver (D1 Licence) is essential and must have done the bus test. Must be willing to carry out a standard enhanced Access NI.
Ponúkaný plat: 10.00 GBP / na hodinu
Počet miest: 1

pracovná oblasť

Vodiči a obsluha pojazdných zariadení


JOB DUTIES : Duties include: Pick up and deliver students as per a set schedule. Take attendance on the school bus. Ensure students are aware of rules and responsibilities as passengers. Maintain order and discipline on the school bus. Make note of any behavioural or disciplinary problems. OTHER INFO : 17+ due to licence required. SALARY INFO : £10 per hour EQUALITY STATEMENT : None.

Pracovný čas:

  • Bez zadania pracovného času


source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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