Miesto práce: Veľká Británia, SCOTLAND
Druh pracovnej zmluvy: na dobu neurčitú, plný úväzok

Požadované vzdelanie:
Ponúkaný plat: Neuvedené
Počet miest: 1

pracovná oblasť

Odborníci v oblasti výpočtovej techniky, strojárstva a vedy
   Architekti, projektanti a príbuzné profesie
        Inde nezaradení


Event Catering Services Assistant The Gleneagles Arena: In May 2015, Gleneagles officially launched a new 2,500 square metre event space : The Gleneagles Arena. Located within Gleneagles 850 acre estate, as part of our Activity School complex, the Gleneagles Arena will offer a modern and versatile event space which also doubles as a 4:court indoor tennis centre. The new space will be perfect for conferences, exhibitions, product launches, concerts and team:building events. With capacity for up to 2250 guests, our five star resort will now be able to accommodate much larger groups. Event Catering Services Assistant Assist in the set up of events requiring Food and Beverage Catering Services Assist in the service delivery of events with Food and Beverage requirements, eg: Banquet Buffet Reception Gala Dinner Kiosk Catering outlet Refreshment Break Bar Assist with close down procedures of Catering events: Clearance of glassware, cutlery and crockery Appropriate disposal of food waste Clearance and appropriate storage of paper debris, used linen and additional service equipment Clearance and appropriate disposal or storage of empty bottles, ice buckets and additional service equipment Compliance with health, safety and security regulations and procedures Cash handling and float security Dealing with guest queries in a professional and efficient manner Assisting with Cloakroom and Welcome Hosting services

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source: https://www.ec.europa.eu/eures


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